Be sure to have the following information handy before you call the IRS: Remember that just because you’ve reached a live person, they don’t necessarily know the ins and outs of your specific situation. Get Preparedīeing prepared before you call the IRS is the best way to ensure you’re receiving the help you need once you have a representative on the line. Therefore, it might still be necessary to call the IRS after checking this tool to get additional information. While this tool is helpful to understand your status, it does not explain the reasons for a delayed refund, how quickly your refund will be processed or any steps that are needed from you to address a delay. To access this information, you’ll need to have your Social Security number, filing status and the expected refund amount. This will show your most recent tax return with a status of either Refund Received, Refund Approved or Refund Sent. To quickly check your refund status, you can use the IRS’s Where’s My Refund tool to help avoid an unnecessary phone call.

Below are a few steps you can take to efficiently contact an IRS customer service representative. It’s important to keep in mind that between tax returns, stimulus payments, tax levies and other tax questions, there are many Americans who need to get hold of the IRS, likely at the same time you are. Once you’ve determined that you want or need to contact the IRS, there are a few steps you can take to make this process as smooth as possible. This not only saves you time in the long run but will also help the IRS customer service team best assist you. While the above list can seem lengthy, it’s important to note the correct phone number for your reason for calling.

Request IRS to mail you paper tax forms: 80.Check status of an amended tax return: 86.Below is a list of phone numbers for the different departments of the IRS: While the main number that individuals will likely use to contact IRS customer service is 80, there are several other, more specific phone numbers available that might fit your situation a little bit better.
#Call turbotax customer support how to#
Table of Contents IRS Customer Service Numbers How to Contact the IRS Why Would You Call IRS Customer Service? Other Ways to Get Tax Help IRS Customer Service Numbers